AMC 2020 is the renewed approach to making capital goods as cost-effective as possible over the entire life cycle; specify, design, realize, operate and often also phase out again on capital goods / assets in sectors such as; Infrastructure, Real Estate, Installations, Driving, Sailing and Flying Equipment.


AMC 2020 includes a total package
tools and training to be able to:
  • Optimize the existing asset portfolio
  • Simulate asset degradation and costs in relation to future use and maintenance
  • Specifying the required asset support from implementation to phasing out.

AMC 2020 is an integrated approach consisting of the following disciplines:


Asset Performance Management

This includes aspects such as; standardize, record, monitor, adjust and improve.


Life Cycle Management

This includes aspects such as: planning, budgeting, modeling, simulate and report on the entire life cycle of assets.


Asset Logistics Engineering

This includes the technical aspects of asset management, such as designing and / or specifying the; documentation, configuration, testing, maintenance plans, et cetera. Within the defense sector this is known as Integrated Logistics Support or Through Life Engineering.

AMC 2020 is compliant with the International Asset Management Standard ISO 55000

With regard to the required asset management system, the international standard ISO 55000 offers a clear structure, with the “line of sight”, in which case the control of all asset related processes, becomes clear to everyone.

Within day-to-day business operations, the asset management function ensures that this asset-related line of sight remains up-to-date and is transparent for all involved. Asset Management Control therefore assumes that asset management is carried out by “professionals” with “reliable information”.

AMC T&T supports this by supplying:

Tools, in the form of methods, techniques and web applications,
tailored to your needs and situation.

Training, often tailor-made, such as instruction at the workplace up to post-graduate courses.

Support, such as (strategic) advice, IT Engineering and support, for both the implementation and execution of asset management.